A winter dress overcoat to a major of the Hungarian Air Force |
The 1930 regulation service winter dress featured the standard service dress tunic with long trousers and a wool overcoat. The double-breasted coated featured rank and a wing. |
The Hungarian Air Force overcoat could be worn with or without the officer's leather belt (it was primarily for holding the sidearm). |
The overcoat could also be worn with or without the officer's dagger depending on formality of the event. The coat featured an integrated slit in pocket for the dagger hangers to be threaded through. |
A closer view of the coat with the dagger worn and the pilot wing on the sleeve. |
The sleeve wing is the same style and size as the qualification wing worn on the right chest of the tunic. |
The overcoat featured sewn in straps for sliding officer's boards on the shoulders. These are of the same size and style as those worn on the service tunic. |
The major's rank was indicated by a large woven band and one single stripe. |
© Tod Rathbone |