Early war flight uniform to a Feldwebel (all items courtesy of Gene Ashton, Collector) |
This Feldwebel (sergeant) is ready to take on the next flight over France and the Channel. His flight rig dates from 1940-41 with the main item the one-piece Sommerfliegerkombi. |
The three gulls on the sleeve indicate rank. In addition to the flight suit, he wears the standard enlisted Luftwaffe belt with pistol holster, his side cap and flight gloves and boots. |
Before a reliable pneumatic life vest was incorporated, the pilots wore the kapok-filled Schwimmweste. This is the full back model 10-76A. |
The washed out tag of the Schwimmweste. This early model shows it was made for sea use. The early models also had these tags and were later stamped. |
The back of the 10-76A showing the full coverage of kapok tubes. |
The stitched on rank badge of the Feldwebel called schwingen. These large, gull-wing devices were unique to flight outfits, paratrooper jump smocks and athletic outfits. Tan backing was for summer weight flight clothing, blue backing was on blue summer and winter clothing, green backing was for the jump smock and gray backing was for the tracksuits. They could be worn on both sleeves or one. |
A close-up view of the salt and pepper fabric of the Sommer-fliegerkombi. The winter models were made out of lined heavier fabric, leather or sheepskin. Later models were electrically heated. The button is made out of composite bakelite. |
The hard leather holster for the P-08 pistol that was the standard issue sidearm for Luftwaffe enlisted personnel. |
The standard issue belt and bucklet for Luftwaffe enlisted personnel. This belt would be the same worn with the Fliegerbleuse uniform. |
The inside stamp of the Luftwaffe enlisted sidecap showing it being tailored in Berlin in 1940. |
Standard issue compass. Here it is being worn on the belt. The above pictures show it being worn wrapped around the kapok for easy reading. |
The flight helmet tag showing manufacturing data, including electronics by the Siemens company which is still in business today. |
A side view showing how the goggles lined up with the ridge in the headphones. The only piece missing is the oxygen mask. |
In his hand the Feldwebel holds his LKpS101 flght helmet which was standard summer issue. It featured internally wired ear phones along with built-in throat microphones The goggles are early one-piece Auer model 295. |
© Tod Rathbone |