A Commander of the British Fleet Air Arm, CBE, DSO in Dress Whites |
Also used in tropical locations, the white uniform would have been worn with white lace shoes. The rank is moved from the sleeve to shoulder boards. The wings, which would have been worn on the cuff, are worn on the chest. The working uniform in tropical climes was khaki drill. |
On shore for leave or duty, this well decorated Commander wears the dress whites common to most navies of WWII. The uniform features a high collar, no pockets and no belt (unless added for parade occasions with sword). |
This well-traveled Commander has a number of awards for WWII. From top, left to right: Order of the British Empire, Commander (CBE), Distinguished Service Order, 1939-45 Star, North Africa Star, Pacific Star, Defense Medal, War Medal with Mention in Dispatches and the French WWII War Cross.
As a commander, this officer was entitled to wear one row of bullion on his visor cap bill. Admirals (flag rank) had two rows.
The three stripes on the board inidcate Commander rank, the first senior officer grade in the Royal Navy.
A close-up of the hat showing the nice salty bullion of the Royal Navy crest with the King's crown. The white top was a cover for the normally blue hat.
The gilt button of the Royal Navy.
*Click on any picture to see full size. |
© 2003 Tod Rathbone |