Finnish Pilot Qualification Badge
The unique design of the pilot badge was very modern for its time, featuring a stremlined version of the Finnish crown surmounting a radial ring of rotating, stylized wings. The center device was a deep blue enamel shield with the black swastika of Finnish military history. This was a runic symbol that pre-dated the evil of the German National Socialists.
Finnish Radio/Air Gunner Badge
The only other qualification badge during WWII was that of the Radio/Air Gunner. The top device of crossed arrows suggests wireless with the center cross hairs in the middle reflecting a gunsight. The radio/air gunner badge was slightly smaller than the pilot badge and is much rarer as there were fewer issued.
An un-named Medal Group to a Finnish Air Force Man
The above group would be considered typical for an officer serving in the Finnish Air Force during the Russo-Finnish conflict and into WWII. The first is the Order of the Cross of Liberty, 4th class military division. The second is the Cross of Liberty Medal, Second Class. Next is the Commemorative Medal of the Winter War. Then the Medal for the Continution War. Finally, the Air Force cross.